Little overview of community builds for firefox os and ZTE Open C

Posted on ven. 29 avril 2016 in misc

Extract from A report of what i have done since 1 years 1/2 with lots of mozilliens, thanks to all <3

Hi all,
This is a topic to speak about what we have done in community build for ZTE Open C in french mozilla communaty. The result is

What we have done
We setup community build for zte open c, with fota support : went you install a build, you will receive update over the air, no need to reflash.
Flashing is done with adb sideload or flash zip in recovery.

Building part :
We have document all your build setup on mdn : Building and installing FOTA community builds
The builds are building on someone server, and then upload on mozfr server
We use buildbot, which automates the compile cycle (each night for nightly, and 1-click button for other build).
We can have overview of build, and see specific build, with log of output

All build (except nightly build) are tests by hand and by people, we use a simple form like this

Other people made bug report. Some made also patch (this is really amazing, thanks all !)

All our configuration for buildbot, patch or shell script are on github : github - mozfr/buildscommunautaires

We have setup this configuration in february 2015 (before we use shell script with cron, irc notification, but without log). Since this time, we have try more than 600 build.

If you have question, ask. If you need help to made the same for your phone, also ask
We are also on irc : chan : #buildopencfr